
Automotive Certification Scheme (ACS)

Automotive Certification Scheme (ACS)

The Automotive Certification Scheme (ACS) is to the ensure continual improvement in product and service quality, emphasizing safety, defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the automotive industry supply chain.

The Automotive Certification Scheme (ACS) is to the ensure continual improvement in product and service quality, emphasizing safety, defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the automotive industry supply chain.

ACS also enable the evaluation of the automotive products and services are based on the relevant standards to ensure that all participating organizations comply with the standards.

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ACS also enable the evaluation of the automotive products and services are based on the relevant standards to ensure that all participating organizations comply with the standards.

Automotive Stakeholders

The implementation within Automotive stakeholders including the Government agency, certification body, industry player and consumer.

Big Data Analytics

The application and development of Robotics and IoT within the Big Data Analytics (BDA) architecture platform including Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and the overall mobility of the related fields to automotive services.

Scheme Owner

This scheme owner covers aspects relating to knowledge, process, method, materials, equipment, safety and environment. The activities including material, processing and handling of automotive parts and components.

For further information on the programme kindly contact : 