Authorised Automotive Treatment Facility (AATF) Application

Sustainability is the heart of NAP 2020.
It adds connected mobility features, better supply chains, investments, and green initiatives .
Strategy No. 3 under NAP 2020 focuses on Safety, Environment, and Consumerism. It encourages eco-friendly tech, safety, and consumer rights, enforcing MS 2697:2018 which pertains to the repair, reuse, recycling, and remanufacture (4R) of motor vehicle aftermarket parts and components.

NAP 2020’s core is the National Roadmap of Automotive Aftermarket (NRAA), including plants to have 21 Authorized Automotive Treatment Facilities (AATFs) by 2030.
AATFs follow MS 2697:2018 to handle used parts, following a cradle-to-cradle concept.

In March 2021, Ministry of Natural Resource and Climate Change (NRECC) launched the Pilot Project for Authorized Automotive Treatment Facility (AATF).
AATFs dismantle parts, especially those with waste, from deregistered vehicles. Parts are reused, recycled, or disposed of.
MARii collaborates with the Department of Environment (DOE) to oversee AATF licensing and has been assigned by DOE to assess the application by the potential AATF company.

Criteria For Applicant
The applicant should comply with following requirements:
a) Incorporated under Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM)
b) At least 60% equity owned by Malaysian; and
c) Terms and conditions set by AMC

For further information on the programme kindly contact :