Automotive Certification Scheme (ACS)
The Automotive Certification Scheme (ACS) ensures continual improvement in product and service quality, emphasizing safety, defect prevention, and the reduction of variation and waste in the automotive industry supply chain.

This certification program supports the NAP to enhance the capacity of local industries to remain competitive in line with the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Compliance with standards emphasizes the production of quality products and the delivery of quality services while ensuring the safety of products and ensuring environmental sustainability.

Reduce damage, injuries and loss of life arising from accidents.

Certification programs for the automotive industry will directly support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to innovation and sustainable infrastructure development. One of relevant SDG is the DG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production. This certification program which reduces the impact on the environment by promoting the reuse of vehicle spare parts.

Reduce damage, injuries and loss of life arising from accidents.
This certification program supports the NAP to enhance the capacity of local industries to remain competitive in line with the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Compliance with standards emphasizes the production of quality products and the delivery of quality services while ensuring the safety of products and ensuring environmental sustainability.
When the parts & components are inspected/tested within safety spec, this will eradicate dangerous vehicles from the road towards safer road users in Malaysia.
Reduce damage, injuries and loss of life arising from accidents.
In line with Malaysia’s commitment to reduce 45% GDP emissions intensity by 2030, the Safety, Security and Environment thrust will assist in reducing carbon emissions, increase fuel efficiency, preserve the environment and conserve natural resources. Controlling and curbing environmental problems.
Certification programs for the automotive industry will directly support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to innovation and sustainable infrastructure development. One of relevant SDG is the DG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production. This certification program which reduces the impact on the environment by promoting the reuse of vehicle spare parts.

Automotive Stakeholders
The implementation within Automotive stakeholders including the Government agency, certification body, industry player and consumer.

Big Data Analytics
The application and development of Robotics and IoT within the Big Data Analytics (BDA) architecture platform including Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and the overall mobility of the related fields to automotive services.

Scheme Owner
This scheme owner covers aspects relating to knowledge, process, method, materials, equipment, safety and environment. The activities including material, processing and handling of automotive parts and components.

For further information on the programme kindly contact :