MARii Industry 4WRD Technology Platform (MITP)

The National Policy on Industry 4.0 is underlined in INDUSTRY4WRD (Industry Forward), a proactive initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of Investment, Trade & Industry (MITI) to transform and empower Malaysia’s manufacturing sector to become more dynamic, technologically advanced and forward-thinking in order to capitalize on opportunities of the future.

The policy, in which MARii is one of the coordinating agencies, is aimed at positioning Malaysia as a strategic partner for smart manufacturing and related services primarily in the Asia Pacific region, to become the preferred destination for high tech industries, and a total solutions provider for advanced technologies. This will not only significantly increase domestic labour productivity growth and elevate the manufacturing sector’s contribution to the economy, but also pave the way for greater innovation capacity and high skilled jobs.

In the automotive industry, which is a catalyst for growth and new technologies, it is imperative that Malaysian manufacturers and suppliers evolve to remain relevant and competitive in an ecosystem that is increasingly shifting towards Autonomous driving, Connectivity, Electrification and Shared mobility (ACES).

This includes embracing and enhancing their command of all critical enabling technologies that include: augmented reality; virtual reality; artificial intelligence; simulation software; big data analytics; additive manufacturing; cyber security; the Internet of Things (IoT); system integration; cloud computing; autonomous robots; and advance materials, all of which are critical in ensuring they remain competitive globally.

Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment (RA) – MARii is an official Assessment Body (AB) for the program
Target participant: Manufacturing (MFG) companies @ Manufacturing-related-Services (MRS) companies.

For further information on the programme kindly contact :