Whistleblowing Policy
- Marii
- Whistleblowing Policy

Malaysia Automotive, Robotics & IoT Institute (MARii) is committed to the highest standard of integrity, accountability, and professionalism in the conduct of its business and professional activities.
MARii has implemented a Whistleblowing Policy to provide a structured reporting channel and guidance to all employees and external parties to report instances of unethical behaviour, fraud, misconduct, bribery or violation of MARii’ Code of Ethics without fear of victimisation, discrimination and/or being disadvantaged.
Alleged improper conducts and abuses will be thoroughly investigated. If you are aware of any such incident, please come forward and help us protect the integrity of our organisation.
Whistleblowing Channels
How To Make A Report

Gather Your Evidence Related to the Incident

Nature of the improper conduct;
The date and location of the incident;
The identity of the alleged wrongdoer;
and Particulars of witnesses, if any.

Report Precondition

Report is made in good faith and have reasonable grounds;
Full and specific information of the improper conduct is provided and, where possible, supporting evidence in order to facilitate the investigation.

A Whistleblower will be accorded with protection under the Policy provided the disclosure is made in good faith and shall not be subject to any form of retribution, unfair dismissal, victimisation, demotion, suspension, intimidation, harassment or discrimination by the Company.
Acting in Good Faith
We expect the whistleblower to act in good faith and have reasonable grounds when reporting a wrongdoing. If allegations are proven to be malicious, parties responsible may be subject to appropriate action, up to and including legal action, where applicable.